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We understand that you likely have a few questions about factoring. 

What is factoring?

Factoring is simply the purchase of a company’s invoice and/or accounts receivable for immediate cash. Simple as that. Factoring involves the transfer of ownership of your accounts receivable, rather than a conventional loan.

How can Dorado help me?

Dorado Finance allows your company to continue to operate in a cash-rich environment, giving you immeiate access to capital, without the daily worry of collections and cash flow.

Is factoring like a loan?

Nope. It is much more simple than going to a bank and hoping they wil extend credit for your needs. With Factoring, once we accept the invoice and advance your funds, we take over the mailing of the invoice and collection of the receivable.

How complicated is it?

There are no hidden fees, no monthly payments, and there is no time-consuming approval process. Doesn’t get much simpler than that.

What risks are involved?

Your only risk comes if Dorado does NOT collect the invoice, or is incurring obstacles in the collection of the invoice(s). Then, and only then, do you become involved in the collection process.


Is invoice factoring right for me?

  • Do you need immediate cash for inventory, payroll, repairs, or new equipment?
  • Does your bank tell you they cannot finance your receivables?
  • Is your business too new to get the credit you need?
  • Do you find you can grow your business, but can’t find the cash because your customers inhibit your cash flow?
  • Is all your operating cash tied up in Accounts Receivables?
  • Do you find you cannot wait 45-60, or more to get your money from work you have already performed?
  • Are you spending too much time trying to collect on invoices instead of focusing on growing your business and managing you employees?



Didn’t answer your question?

Give Us A Call! We’re Always Available to Help.

Dorado Finance Ltd.

We are a full service factoring company servicing temporary staffing, manufacturing,, medical supplies, transportation and distribution businesses that need access to immediate cash for valid invoices.